The Comprehensive Yoga Class

Hatha Mixed June4th.jpg

Dear Souls,
Dear Beings,
Dear Humans,
and mostly….. Dear Friends,

When you engage in contemplative practices, you become aware of your inner world, your thoughts, your memories, your desires, in a more clear, vivid way.
You realize that the Outer World is just a reflection of your Inner one. Some of that reality is a mini-movie that your brain recreates to “possibly protect you” from the ancient threats, that have been embedded in our genetics since the formation of humanity, and those mini-movies may be quite uncomfortable , like an underlying feeling of anxiety and fear, to say a few.
98% of your thoughts of today are the same of yesterday!!!!
Negative events generally have more impact than the positive ones, and in relationships, it typically takes about five positive interactions to overcome the effects of a single negative one (Gottman 1995).
But there is a simple truth, and that is:
We can directly alter the brain’s activity and its structure and we can use our awareness in ways that promotes well-being. The key is in how we focus our attention and how we intentionally direct the flow of energy and information.
SO we have a lot of work to do!!
Come and join me in this 2 hours class. We will experience the strong yang energy through the flow and upward poses and the more calming energy of the long held forward bends. We will relax and we will meditate and we will use simple exercises to redirect our attention where is most beneficial for a life of enjoyment.
Every level is welcomed, there are so many variations and props to help you find your own shape (asana).
It is not about the perfect pose, it is about coming together and using this 2 hours as an exploration of your beliefs, and understanding if they are serving you or you may want to adopt new ones.
I hope to see you there and mostly I want to wish you love, kindness and compassion, may these three realities be always present in your heart.

