How The Unknown Can Be Your Fortune


How does the process of stepping into the uncharted begin?

  • We pay attention to the ordinary life first.
  • We look at our condition, and then we look at the bigger picture that we are part of. (The same way a drop of rain is part of the storm).
  • Sometime uncomfortable feelings will arise, sometime feeling of excitement will permeate us . We have to remember that those feelings are there to indicate that is time to shift, to progress, to act, to face whatever is coming up.
  • Remember, there is always an opportunity for growth and creating a better life.
  • We have to nourish and honor the desire within us, in becoming something different from what we are.
  • Our sensibility and intuition will help us in showing the way, in hinting to a new endeavor, in whispering the good thoughts within.

At that moment the uncertainty that we live in is our fortune. Right there, we have the chance to expand, we can open our eyes and see and learn something different. The brain will create new
pathways of response, totally separate from our past. That is so precious!

What next?……

In order to transform the fear, the doubt, the uncertainty into fortune, we have to start a new adventure.  Small or big adventure it does not matter, but the steps you take towards the change will empower you and fuel your journey.

And how do we do that?

We have to accept the unknown and what intimidates us.
We have to see every challenge as an opportunity to grow.
We have to tune in to new ideas and adopt new beliefs that will help us be better.
We have to createnew habits that support our intention.

The goal is to reach an inward happiness so profound that will benefit all the people and places around you.

Blessings to All!