Yoga is for Everyone


One thing that I am so sure about is that the practice of Yoga , the Pranayama (Breathing exercises ), the Meditation, can be beneficial for everyone. Even if you are stuck in bed and can only rotate your ankles or flex your feet and you do that rhythmically with your breath and you are totally and meaningfullypresent while you do it, it will make a difference.

I am always so surprised when I hear people telling me that they can't do yoga because they are not flexible or they can't twist.....that is exactly why it would be beneficial for them to explore this practice. People think that in order to come to a yoga studio they have to be ready to be doing something that sometimes it takes many months to get familiar would be like saying that the only way to learn to speak another language is to openyour mouth and impeccably be able to have a full conversation with a local!

I understand it can be intimidating to walk into a yoga studio whenyou are far from feeling strong but the healing comes from acknowledging where you are and taking little steps forward.

We do not have to be fast, we do not have to get to a perfect pose, we just have to put effort on doing those little steps. Hardly anything in life is gained with no effort , the more you put in , the more it comes back.

Just remember there are many different ways to approach a new endeavor....choose a compassionate teacher that will understand where you are, you can practice in the comfort of your home, you can start with chair yoga, you can chose to just do movements and breath or just meditation.

There are many different degrees to approach the road to healing....don't ever be discouraged!

Blessings to All.