Making Choices through Intuition

Everyday you are bombarded with choices to make. You have to decide what it is best for you. You may make a choice and go off the road, but there is nothing wrong with that.  When you go off the road and you feel like you have lost your way, you will learn something, You will enrich yourself. Later you can go back and take a different road but there are many things that are only possible to discover if you have the courage to make mistakes.

Start with sitting in stillness and observing all of these repetitive thoughts running a show in your mind. Repeating this activity of observing will create some space. That space is so vital for any changes you want to see in your life. Intuition comes through, when you create calmness in your mind . One way to achieve that is to sit and direct the attention to your third eye and surrendering with devotion to all that is. Having said that, remember that your repetitive effort in this activity is very important. If you want something you have to pay with your effort. Based on how much effort and time you put in this you will obtain results. The effort requires knowledge and the most immediate efforts we can put in action are observing our self and remembering our self… this way when you make a decision, your intuition will guide you towards a purposeful choice that has integrity and is in alignment with your path.

Blessings to All.