Being Present in your Yoga Poses can Heal You


The Nature of Yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body.

Bringing attention to where your emotions feel in the body it is a very helpful tool for self healing. Bringing your awareness in those places while you are doing yoga poses helps dissipate the grasp those emotions have on you. The emotions are a form of energy and they usually show up right where the chakras or wheel of energy are located. 

Chakras are energy centers and access point to tap our full potential and power. The whole spine is a pole of energy vortexes. After practicing yoga and meditation the chakras are open and activated because unconsciously with each pose we tap into one or more of these centers but we can also do it in a conscious way. Sometime you feel heaviness between your eyebrows or you have a choking feeling in your throat, or your feel your stomach churning. Use those signals as a map for your work.

The Seven Chakras

Below is a list of energy centers and the yoga poses or meditation connected to those areas

  • Muladhara or First Chakra or root chakra located at the sacral region - Pay attention to the root area when you are in Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I), Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) or Deep Relaxation Savasana
  • Svadhishthana or Second chakra located at your sex organs - Pay attention to that area when you are in Cat and Cow (Marjaryasana), Pigeon pose (Eka Pada Kapotasana), Garland pose/Squat pose (Malayan) ,Wide angle seated forward bend (Upavistha Konasana)
  • Manipura or Third Chakra located at your navel - Pay attention to that area when you are in Boat Pose (Navasana), Bow Pose(Dhanurasana), Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II),Revolved chair pose (Parivrtta Utkatasana)
  • Anahata or Fourth chakra located at the level of your heart - Pay attention to that area when you are in Camel Pose ( Ustrasana), Fish Pose (Matsyasana), Upward Plank pose (Purvottasanasana) , Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose
  • Vishudda or Fifth Chakra located at your throat- Pay attention to that area when you are in Wheel Pose (Chakrasana), Plow Pose (Halasana), Cobra (Bhujangasana),Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana)
  • Ajna or Sith Chakra located 1 inch above and 1 inch within your eyebrows - Pay attention to that area when you are in Eagle Pose (Garudasana), Standing forward bend (Uttanasana), Knees-to-chest pose (Apanasana)
  • Sahasrara Seventh chakra located at the crown - Pay attention to the area at the top of your head when you are in headstand (Sirsasana), all the types of meditation in Easy Pose and of course Deep Relaxation Savasana.

Of course there is a lot more to this, we can use mantras, mudras, specific breaths for each chakra but this would be a good experimental work for your self healing practice
If you need help with the yoga poses I have mentioned above you can go into the yoga journal website and search the pose by name