The First Step to Self Love


It is possible to gift our nervous system with improved tolerance and patience to help us with uncomfortable energy. It is through full attention of the present moment that we watch our emotional reactivity and we identify our story line and fixed ideas that we have of ourselves and WE PAUSE. We do that over and over; and WE PAUSE . We do it in sitting in meditation and we continue throughout the day and the night with the understanding that we are all connected and continuously changing.

I like to put reminders in front of me in many places where I usually rest my eyes, in the car, near the computer, in the bedroom, near the altar. When we are trying to change an automatic behavior , you need to have reminders every where because it is not an easy task.

With constant effort and intention we can make our life better, more expansive and we can deal with suffering in a way that is not destructive.

It starts with taking care of ourselves and this means something different for everyone. To me, to be able to look at my own emotions and decide to delay the reaction, or need to step up and fix everything, it is love.

How do you take care of yourself? What does it mean for you to love yourself?

and yes,...Begin Again with Every Breath....the journey is not a straight line, it is a rollercoaster, but what is important to me it is to fall and to raise again and again...

Blessings to All!

