Breath and Flow The All Comprehensive Class

One aspect of the Yogic science is the physical practice. However, I would like to tell you that the physical Yoga or Hatha Yoga (initially the only physical practice was Hatha Yoga) was primarily designed to facilitate the meditation so it would be possible to sit still in a cross legged position with minimal or no pain.

Yoga means union of a separation that is solely created by the mind. It is a union of the Higher Self with the smaller self, a union of Higher consciousness with self consciousness. If we only get a glimpse of this union that is always present within us, we experience freedom from suffering, freedom from anger, freedom from jealousy and freedom from disappointment, to name a few.

In the most ancient spiritual and holy books, the importance of pranayama and meditation is clearly stated to achieve a state of yoga. Yet nowadays it is widely and mostly used as just a physical practice.

While the physical practice will be a great start to your connection within and it will give you great benefits, if you are serious on living a life that is peaceful and joyful , and if you are ready to take full responsibility for your current life circumstances, I advise you to dedicate time every day to manage your breath, to meditate and to be curious with your introspections.

Yoga is every day, every moment of your life, not just a work out in a studio.

Sutra of Patanjali n.2 “ - Yogas citta vrtti nirodhah - The restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff is Yoga.” This by itself it is the definition of yoga, not if you are capable of enduring a headstand or not.

Please come and explore an all comprehensive class with me. 

Blessings to All.
