Group Sharing

When you share your joy and your troubles in a group, there is transformation. The awareness shared is held with warmth and gentleness by each person because the realization of interconnectedness arises and uncover the fresh ground within us. In tha…

When you share your joy and your troubles in a group, there is transformation. The awareness shared is held with warmth and gentleness by each person because the realization of interconnectedness arises and uncover the fresh ground within us. In that ground we realize that we all contain the same colors.Some people have more orange or red within them and some others more blue and green but we all contain the orange, the red, the blu and the green. We all contain the creative energies of life and we can decide to go along with peace or stay in conflict. On this fresh ground the realization that we do have a choice may spring out as a lonely flower in the midst of rocks .At the same time on the same fresh ground we may find the feeling that we do not have a choice but exploring this emotion without judgement is empowering . Our exploration with all of our courage is to stay with it with no escape . Nowhere to be , nowhere to go . Blessings to All!