The Walk of a Spiritual Warrior


Your feet are planted strongly into the Earth. Without a strong foundation you cannot go anywhere. Once you develop some strength in your legs to support all of your movements and the shapes, you start building  your core muscles, engaging the belly and tapping in your own power, only then you move up and work with mobility, flexibility, range of motion and start aiming for the stars, the Universe.

Any human being, at any given time can improve something in their life, the effort and the commitment to do it is all that is required. Of course we keep in mind that we are impermanent and everything and everyone around us is impermanent. But while we are here on this Earth, wouldn’t it be our birthright to experience also joy, happiness and peace besides their obvious opposites?  What is the work of a Spiritual Warrior if not the work you do on your Self with patience, over and over, moving forward no matter what?

You are part of the lower and higher realm, you are part of the air, the ocean, the sky and mostly you are part of all the other living beings. But first before you are able to connect with the Universal Reality you need to go inward and peek within you. You have to pause and stay with what you find. You have to let that moment sink in, without wanting to change it, without wanting to run to the next exciting moment but staying with whatever arises , accepting the inevitable dance of the likes and dislikes, of the wants and do not want.

What is behind those fixed ideas that are constantly present, those beliefs that show up right away, that make our life maybe safer but so restricted and tight? Isn’t it time to let go and give those attachments a vacation? We start with one moment at the time.  Using the science of breath once you have made your body stronger you bring in vitality and energy and then you still need to continue and sit down in meditation, facing whatever arises in a non-judgmental way, forgiving yourself, loving what is.

Only then the door for the opportunity to feel freedom within you opens.

Blessings to All!